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乌龟英语作文 中英互译

时间: 小兰2 乌龟

  Hi! Good friends. My name is susie. I’m ten years old. This is my pet. It’s a turtle. He is also ten years old. His name is sandwich. He eats ten small fishes every day .

  Look at him! He has a beautiful shell and two small eyes. He also has a long tail.

  Now my turtle wants to have a little sister. They can play, sleep and walk together. Now, mr sandwich, please reach out your hand and say “bye-bye.” My friends,please call me. My telephone number is one two three four five.





  The tortoise was feeding very miscellaneous. At ordinary times, you give it what to eat, it what to eat. It eat first nose with touch, see food fights, to oneself have threatened, no eating. Eating, it sometimes fine chew slowly swallowing.


  The tortoise is a love of dark place, again like the sunshine. For milder weather, the tortoise will stretch out in the sun, if the sunshine mobile, it will move. If it is hot, the tortoise like to dark the areas where there is water havens. Sometimes, the tortoise simply climbed into the water to go swimming, swimming tired, it will float on water, stilly.


  Winter has come, it's getting cold, the tortoise will hibernate. This time, it need a lot of food, this is for hibernate lay a good foundation. Winter arrived, the tortoise started hibernate.


  Spring, the weather is warm, the tortoise awoke, physical strength not suddenly,recovering back up the wrinkles and need to be refilled, and food can resume.



  About the turtle composition 600 words


  Today, my mother bought a cute little turtle to me, it is a long black green, the hard shell, I carefully counted, on its shell "painting" 13 pentagonal patterns, each pattern are connected together, it has four stubby legs on the foot, there are three small and sharp claws, looked very sharp, caught people can really be unbearable to contemplate the consequences. There are dark green and white stripes tortoise body bottom, wherein the white pattern occupies the most, I always thought that its head is round, I carefully observed, so its head is triangular! I also found, two side of the triangle, with two round eyes, behind the eyes have a red pattern.


  I had thought that the turtle has been a "deaf", because I'm on its head how also can not find its ears, so, I did an experiment, used a stick to beat a metal cup, want to try it for hearing? I hit, small tortoise unexpectedly immediately head and feet into the shell, react so quickly, Is it right? Scared? We conclude that can hear sound. But why doesn't it have ears? I have observed several times, but I still haven't found. In the end it's ears to hide? In desperation, I went to look up information, information on that, the tortoise only inner ear, no ear, only in its neck stretched out for a long time been see. I carefully observed, seize the tortoise craned his neck to time, finally, hard work pays off, I finally found it ears. It's ear is a layer of things, is also a green, no wonder it is hard to find. The turtle had really not deaf.

  乌龟是怎么爬行的呢?笼子很高,它总想要自由,便经常不自量力地沿着笼子的周围爬上去,,它抓行的时候,三只爪紧贴在墙上,可每次都因为爪子太尖,太锋利,没爬几步就掉下来了, 四脚朝天的,引得我哈哈大笑,看着它的脚在空中乱蹬,拼命挣扎,居然身子被反过来了,真可爱!有时我会小心翼翼地抓住它的龟壳,把它拿起来,它就会吓得把头和脚缩进龟壳里,真是一只名副其实的“缩头乌龟”啊!我把它放在客厅里,任由它自由地爬行。

  How do turtles crawling? The cage is very high, it always wants to be free, they often Too Big for Her Skin along the cage around the climb, catch it, time line, three claw against the wall, every time because the paws too sharp, too sharp, not climb a few steps down, on his back, makes me laugh, look at it feet in the air kicking, struggling, even the body is in turn, really cute! Sometimes I will with great care to seize the tortoise shell it, bring it up, it will scare the head and feet inside my shell, it is a be worthy of the name "turtle"! I put it in the living room, let it free to crawl.

  只见它先看了看周围的环境,感觉安全了,才慢吞吞地爬起来。我猜想它应该是先跨左前脚,再跨右前,然后再到右腿,可现在它是先跨右前腿,然后跨左前腿,再跨右后腿,最后才跨左后腿的。 乌龟吃起东西来可慢了,我喂它一块生猪肉,只见它像一个没牙齿的老爷爷,啃半天,才啃出一小块来。甚至有时几天都可以不吃东西,真是一只神奇的乌龟啊!

  I saw it first looked at the surrounding environment, feel safe, just slowly climb up. I guess it should be the first to cross the front left, front right to cross, and then to the right leg, but now it is the first cross right foreleg, and then cross the left foreleg, and then cross the right hind leg, and finally across the left hind leg. The tortoise eats can be slow, I fed it a piece of raw pork, saw it like a toothless old grandpa, chew for a long time, eating only a small to. Sometimes a few days can not eat, is really a magic turtle ah!